• We are the unique Accredited Laboratory checking spring testing equipment and MicroStudio Lab is listed on the Web site of ACCREDIA as such.
  • The most important advantage, when we conduct a calibration service, is that our technician can check all the sensitive points of the machine.
    At the end of the service we can guarantee the instrument meets all the criteria for which it was designed, it is in perfect condition to perform tests. If necessary, we can recommend further assistance if a problem is detected.
    Our service is not limited to calibration, as we do more. If a load cell requires setup or an alignment, our technician does it, the LVDT is also checked, motorisation too…
  • For all calibration (ACCREDITED or NON-ACCREDITED), we use the same procedure and standards.
  • As we are designing and manufacturing spring testing equipment, we have the complete knowledge of the machines, we can conduct a complete service and, if necessary recommend improvements, software upgrades and so on.